New photos of Johnny Depp in PEOPLE and OK! WEEKLY–February 12th issues
If you’d like a permanent souvenir of Johnny Depp’s performance with The Kids at the Sheila Witkin Memorial Concert in Florida on January 28th, pick up the current issues of PEOPLE MAGAZINE and OK! WEEKLY (cover date February 12, 2007). In PEOPLE, Johnny’s photo is the first one in the Star Tracks section on page 14; it’s the lovely smiling shot featured in the thumbnail at left. A full scan appears on the Zone’s News & Views forum. The photo in OK! also appears on page 14. It’s a quarter-page pic of Johnny playing his guitar, but instead of the smile, he has an intense expression. Both are worthy additions to your Depp collection. It’s nice to see the entertainment magazines reporting some genuine good news for a change. –Part-Time Poet