Will there be a PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4? Interview with producer Jerry Bruckheimer
Sheila Roberts of moviesonline.com caught up with PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN producer Jerry Bruckheimer recently, and she seized the moment to ask if, due to the phenomenal success of DEAD MAN’S CHEST, there were plans to extend the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow beyond the third installment, AT WORLD’S END. Here’s what Ms. Roberts asked Mr. Bruckheimer:
SR: What have you seen in the poster for PIRATES 3 that’s got you really excited?
JB: We have Chow Yung-Fat which is really interesting and exciting. It’s a thrill to be able to work with him. There’s always new stuff. We’ve got an ending that’s amazing. It’s really a nice ride and it’s still filming.
SR: Is Keith Richards in it?
JB: He’s in it. We finished him. He’s filmed. He’s got a small little cameo.
SR: Is his head okay now?
JB: Apparently. [Laughter] He was great to be with. He didn’t want to leave. He was having the best time.
SR: Is there going to be a PIRATES 4?
JB: I hope so. I hope so if we could come up with a good story. I think we have a big jump on a story that we’re going to do.
SR: When I interviewed you for the second one, you said, ‘Oh, we don’t know yet.’ With the latest one doing so well, it seems there may be a fourth one coming out?
JB: Yeah, we hope so. We hope so.
The Zone thanks emma for posting the interview; you can read it on the News & Views forum.