ONBC's next project will be a discussion of SWEENEY TODD
Liz and DeppintheHeartofTexas, the moderators of Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club, have announced that ONBC’s next book will be the play SWEENEY TODD, written by George Dibdin Pitt, as revised by Marvin Kaye. Liz and DITHOT also advise becoming familiar with the Stephen Sondheim musical version of SWEENEY TODD, since it will figure prominently in the discussion (of course). The ONBC moderators began posting tidbits of background information for SWEENEY TODD on Monday; the discussion itself begins on October 9th. Perfect timing! Johnny Depp begins rehearsals for his role as the demon barber of Fleet Street in November; shooting of Tim Burton’s version of SWEENEY TODD begins at Pinewood Studios on February 5, 2007.