Johnny Depp delighted host David Letterman and a warmly appreciative crowd in his appearance on THE LATE SHOW on Thursday night, July 27th. Letterman began with a standard inquiry about whether the Disney executives had “any second thoughts” about Johnny in the leading role of Captain Jack Sparrow. “Oh, yeah–second, third, fourth,” Johnny replied, smiling. “They were concerned that I was–in their words–‘ruining the movie.'” Replied Letterman, “Yeah–you ruined it $330 million worth,” as the audience roared with laughter.

Letterman then persuaded Johnny to divulge what he did to the giant billboard of himself as Officer Tom Hanson that graced the 20th Century-Fox studios on Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles in the early days of 21 JUMP STREET. “There was a massive billboard of me with a gun,” Johnny admitted, “with a slogan that said, ‘Other kids pack lunch.’ I knew right away that something had to be done about it. [. . .] I thought the gun was bad news, and I thought my mug up there was worse.” So what did Johnny do? “I commandeered a friend of mine, and we went to a hardware store and bought some paint.” You can hear what Johnny did with that paint at two in the morning HERE. Choose “Johnny Depp’s Billboard Caper” in the “Big Show Highlights.”

You can see a larger version of the picture of Johnny with Letterman HERE, and a different shot of Johnny HERE. Thanks very much to AnaMaria and bonnie for the great pictures. And thanks to David Letterman for delivering such a charming interview with Johnny. We loved every minute of it.