Captain Jack Sparrow captures the cover of April's TOTAL FILM!

“Swashbuckling, sea monsters and box office gold . . . Jack’s back to steal summer in PIRATES 2: DEAD MAN’S CHEST,” blares the cover of the April issue of UK’s TOTAL FILM. (To see a larger version of the cover, click HERE.) The magazine features a four-page article on DEAD MAN’S CHEST, including some publicity shots; a charming description of Johnny Depp’s appearance at the Disney corporate meeting, where he stole the show; and comments from Jerry Bruckheimer, Gore Verbinski, Keira Knightley and Johnny himself. Johnny’s remarks about the creation of Captain Jack will be very familiar to Deppheads, but the quotes from Jerry and Gore seem fresh. Gore tells TOTAL FILM, “I think Jack is the character Johnny Depp was born to play. He’s just a great meal that you want more of.”

You can read the entire article on the Zone’s News & Views forum, but be warned–there are some minor DEAD MAN’S CHEST plot spoilers. The Zone sends big bouquet of lilies and roses to In-too-Depp for scanning and posting the TOTAL FILM article; she has kindly excerpted the pictures separately, too!