"That never happened"–Johnny Depp debunks Kate Moss rumors

In a wide-ranging interview with Chrissy Illey of the EVENING STANDARD, Johnny Depp expressed support for Kate Moss in her current media ordeal, but explicitly denied a couple of stories which have had wide exposure in the media. He never had lunch with Kate and her current boyfriend Pete Doherty to tell Pete to, in Illey’s words, “lay off the drugs. Be nice to Kate.” Johnny’s response? “That never happened. I’ve never met him.”

Another complete fabrication is the widely reported tale that Johnny sent Kate a mirror as a gift when she left rehab for cocaine addiction. “They said I sent a mirror to the place where she was getting straight because it is supposed to be an old Indian custom: look in the mirror and find your own strength to abstain. But I would never have thought a mirror would be the right thing to send her.” Reporter Illey confirms that Johnny “has not spoken to her directly,” although, as a Southern gentleman, he has made supportive comments in interviews when asked about Kate’s situation. “She’s very strong and very smart,” he told Illey. “She’ll be fine.”

The interview also contains fascinating reflections about Johnny’s connection to his current role, the Earl of Rochester: “If I’d done this part 10 years ago when John Malkovich first approached me [. . .], I would have made a dangerous mistake of trying to live it. Not necessarily going out and shagging everything that had a pulse, but drinking, and I would never have got through it. Ten years later, I have a solid foundation to stand on.” Johnny also speaks at length of his love for Vanessa Paradis and their children. Asked if he wants more children, Johnny replies: “Oh yes. I’m pretty good at it. [. . .] They make me happy. Simple fun things. Me and my son zooming around in little cars or my absurd stories about Barbie dolls getting obsessed with peanut butter. And, of course, work keeps me happy.” As for work, Johnny confirms that his next project after the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN sequels will be SHANTARAM.

The Zone thanks Edda for posting the Illey interview on our News & Views forum. You can read the entire article in the thread called “Ditching Libertine Life for Love,” or you can click HERE.