BREAKING NEWS–Johnny Depp arrives at the UK premiere of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY!
Looking dapper in a blue-gray suit, cobalt-tinted sunglasses, and his favorite newsboy cap, Johnny Depp has arrived at the London premiere of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY at the Odeon theater in Leicester Square. A huge crowd of cheering fans greeted him, and he delighted them by signing autographs, as you can see HERE. Watch for accounts of the London premiere from the many Zoners in attendance to be posted on the forums in a few hours . . . . Among the first-night attendees was Roald Dahl’s widow, Felicity Dahl, who “greeted Depp with a warm hug,” according to news reports. Roald Dahl made no secret of his dislike of the first filmed version of his book, but Felicity Dahl told reporters that her late husband “would have loved” this version of his beloved story.
Many pictures from the premiere are already posted on our Recent Pics forum–the Zone thanks bonnie, Susanne, Ana Maria, and Reemi for their contributions! To see a larger version of AnaMaria’s photo above, click HERE, and for a different view of Johnny in Leicester Square from emma, click HERE.