CRY-BABY to be released on DVD on July 12th!
John Waters’ classic 1990 film CRY-BABY, starring Johnny Depp as teen rock-n-roll rebel Wade Walker, will–at long last–come to DVD in Region 1 on July 12, 2005. Universal Studios Home Video announced the release of the Director’s Cut which will run 92 minutes, or 7 minutes longer than the theatrical version. The release will be in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen and will include English, French, and Spanish subtitles. Extras include some “never-before-available deleted scenes” and a “making-of” feature called “It Came from Baltimore,” which includes interviews done in 1990 with director John Waters and the cast. There is no word, however, of a commentary track, although in an interview given last summer, John Waters said he was planning to do one for CRY-BABY. That would be a definite treat, so we hope he finds the time! Thanks to Bunny for posting the item on the News & Views forum, and DeepinDepp for information about extras. Listed retail price for the DVD is $19.99.