Set your VCRs . . . Jenny reports that her TIVO alerted her to the fact that Johnny Depp (or at least a story about him) will appear on ACCESS HOLLYWOOD today, Thursday, October 14th. Since ACCESS HOLLYWOOD is a syndicated show, check your local listings for the time and station in your area . . . . Happy Halloween! JDFan notes that BRAVO will air a 15-minute program on the “Making of FINDING NEVERLAND” on Halloween morning, October 31st, at 11 a.m. Afterward, stop by the Zone for our SLEEPY HOLLOW discussion on the Movie Nights forum,hosted by OldLady and DeepinDepp . . . . Meanwhile, FANtasticJD has been checking the STARZ channel for updates on their “On the Set” feature on FINDING NEVERLAND. That feature was scheduled to begin airing tomorrow but has apparently been moved to November dates, closer to FINDING NEVERLAND’s release. The first airing of the 14-minute feature is now scheduled for November 5th at 6:20am. If that’s too early for you, don’t despair: the show will air repeatedly between November 5th and November 18th on STARZ, including three airings on November 11th, the day before FINDING NEVERLAND starts opening in North American theaters–hopefully one near you!
Finally, all the lucky UK Zoners who are eagerly awaiting their premiere of FINDING NEVERLAND on Sunday will be able to relive the events on Monday, October 18th, when British channel ITV2 airs a half-hour feature on the FINDING NEVERLAND premiere. The program (or programme, for those who will actually be able to view this feature) is scheduled to air at 8:30 p.m. The Zone thanks Gilbert’s Girl for the tip, and hopes UK Zoners will post full accounts of the premiere on the News & Views forum for their slightly jealous and Johnny-depprived sisters across the Pond. Zoners attending the premiere include Poppet, Trinni, Anna, Lizabel, Nichola, ScrunchyApril (and her mum), suec, SavvyAngelUK, Charlotte, Paroma the Asparagus (and her sister), jdsmylover, Jacks-pearl, Spiritofcherokee, Mrs_jack_sparrow23, and–traveling all the way from the Netherlands–AnaMaria and depps-joke. A full house!