Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club reads Dashiell Hammett’s THE THIN MAN–tidbits begin today!

Zoners reacted with delight to last spring’s announcement that Johnny Depp would star in a remake of the all-time-great mystery The Thin Man for Warner Bros., to be directed by Rob Marshall (Chicago, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides). Oprah Noodlemantra’s Book Club will get us in the mood to sleuth along with Nick and Nora Charles with their first book discussion of 2012, The Thin Man, Dashiell Hammett’s famous novel of chicanery and murder. The photo at left shows Johnny Depp with Myrna Loy, the silver screen’s original Nora Charles; that’s part of Liz’s clever promotional artwork for the ONBC discussion. You can see Liz’s poster for The Thin Man HERE.

Background tidbits begin on ONBC today; the discussion gets underway on February 20th. Join our ONBC moderators, Liz and DeppintheHeartofTexas, for a lively and penetrating exploration of a true American classic . . . everyone is welcome!

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