PUBLIC ENEMIES premieres in Los Angeles on June 23rd!

Breaking news about the much-anticipated world premiere of Michael Mann’s Public Enemies, starring Johnny Depp: the premiere will take place in Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, at Mann’s Village Theater at 961 Broxton Avenue in Westwood Village, near UCLA. No time has been announced for the screening, but for a Tuesday night premiere, the normal time for celebrity arrivals would be between 5:00-6:30 p.m. Veterans of previous Johnny Depp premieres know that if JD runs true to form, he will be the last to arrive, so pack your patience and your sunblock if you are thinking of going to Westwood Village to watch the red carpet.

The Zone thanks Emma for breaking the news! You can read more about the Public Enemies premiere on the News & Views forum. –Part-Time Poet

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