PUBLIC ENEMIES filming shifts to Milwaukee

Michael Mann’s gangster film PUBLIC ENEMIES, starring Johnny Depp as Public Enemy #1 John Dillinger, returned to Wisconsin on Tuesday to shoot at the Milwaukee County Historical Society. Fans gathered in the street around the beautiful vintage building, hoping for a glimpse of Johnny, and they were not disappointed. “He looked fantastic,” Terra Scott told a local reporter, after Johnny walked by and waved to the crowd. “It’s so exciting. My heart’s beating so fast.” The restoration of the building has gotten a huge boost from the filming, as PUBLIC ENEMIES is rumored to have spent $150,000 on renovations. In the film, the Historical Society will double for a bank that Dillinger robbed.

The Zone thanks Gilbert’s Girl and Emma for news stories on the Milwaukee filming; you can read more on the News & Views forum. Thanks to Carasun for the photo of Johnny leaving the Historical Society; to see a larger version, click here. Filming is expected to continue in Milwaukee through Thursday. –Part-Time Poet